What events are monitored in the Activity tab of my dashboard?

What events are monitored in the Activity tab of my dashboard?

The Activity tab in your dashboard allows you to track and view your user's dashboard activity.

Log in to your dashboard, and then select the Activity tab from the top navigation.

The Activity tab allows you to track successful, failed, and deleted events for the following components:
  1. Account emails sent to users
  2. Social 365 Posts (Scheduled / Posted / Deleted)
  3. Testimonial Collector Survey ( Sent / Deleted / Failed)
  4. Testimonial Collector / Reputation Manager Feeds / Reviews Received
  5. New Competition Tracker Reviews Received 
You can also monitor "Event Created Date", "Scheduled For", "Completed On," and if it's a recurring event, "Next Occurrence". 

You can also filter your events by Components and Status.