You can change the email provider, also known as the SMTP relay, by going to the General Settings in your WHMCS instance.
Log in to your WHMCS instance.
Select the tool icon (at the top right corner), then select the "System Settings" tile, and then select General Settings.
Select the "Mail" tab, and then select "Configure Mail Provider".
You can select your email provider or SMTP relay.
For most instances, the default "PHP Mail" is sufficient to deliver emails sent through WHMCS, however, some organizations may need enhanced features or reporting not provided through WHMCS's default email relays.
Please see documentation from your specific email provider or SMTP relay for configuration details.
If you are hosting your own WHMCS instance, you will need to make sure ports 25, 465, and 587 are open on your server's firewall.
Select "Test Configuration" to make sure your settings are correct.
WHMCS will not allow you to save your settings unless a successful connection can be made to the email provider or SMTP relay.
Once all your settings are configured correctly, select "Save" and WHMCS will use your email provider or SMTP relay as its default emailing platform for all WHMCS generated emails, such as invoices, campaigns, or welcome emails.
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